Posts Tagged ‘harry potter and the cursed child’


The day of the cursed child

August 8, 2016

Yesterday we spent the entire day in London, to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Both parts in a day. Part 1 started at 1pm and Part 2 at 6pm. Add to that an hour train to London, plus 3o min walk to station (usually train is 30-45min, but boo, Sundays).

So, it was a long-ass day. But worth it.

I don’t want to go into too many details about the play. On the whole we preferred the first one, not just because of fatigue setting in (it was also a ridiculously hot day and old London theatres aren’t great at air conditioning). It’s definitely worth watching the plays if you can. Whether they show in cinemas, embark on tours, show in other countries – the staging is sheer magnificence. Obviously a lot of thought put into how to bring a play where magic is central to the stage, and it is magical.

There were moments the crowds just giggled with joy at tricks, or at nods to films/books and it was hard not to be swept away by all the enthusiasm.

Cast were amazing, and it’s a big cast without anyone I’d say was being carried. Quite an achievement when you have to have some oldish kids in there along with the adults.

I wish it was easier to get tickets. I wish everyone could see it. I’d see it again to be honest. Probably both in same day again, but that’s because I don’t like THAT near theatre.