Posts Tagged ‘short reviews’


A little more randomness

August 3, 2016

Since tomorrow will almost certainly be a comic review – today’s blog post will be pretty short. I walked 1.5h today, so kind of tired, especially as it’s so hot outside.

We saw Finding Dory, which is only just out in the UK. Technically it was great and the voice acting very strong still, but it wasn’t anything like as good as I was expecting after rave reviews from US friends. I’m not really sure what didn’t click, it wasn’t bad in anyway, it just wasn’t great. I liked the short, Piper, that played beforehand though.

It’s not been a great summer cinema season so far, lots of disappointment and fear Suicide Squad may go the same way from initial critics reviews (I’m seeing it midnight Thurs/Fri) with my fab green hair! Star Trek Beyond so far the only summer film that’s surpassed my expectations – which were a little lower than they should have been, but genuinely really enjoyed the film.